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Wolfteam, FPS by Softnyx


From the creators of Gunbound and Rakion comes the new First Person shooter (FPS) game called Woflteam. It has a unique characteristic that instead of a melee weapon, the user will transform into a wolf which can climb walls. There will be more than 30 weapons available.

There are five games modes in total.

Conquest Mode (Human VS Wolf)

It is a game where you have to capture a territory. To win, you must capture all 5 bases or have more than the opposing team.

In Human VS Wolf, Red Team will be humans while Blue Team will be wolves. There are three wolves (Power, Guardian , Ghost) that are exclusive to this game mode.Wolves will mutate alowingthem to use attacks like block and hide.

Team Deathmatch

To win, you must kill more than the opponent before time ends or reach the target kills first.

Bomb Mode

For Red team, you have to plant a bomb protect it until it explodes. For Blue team, you have to try to defuse the Bomb

Human VS Wolf Survival

Although currently not available in the international version, it is rumored to be a death match-like last man standing mode.

Well, the game is still in pre-open beta and will go into open beta in October. Just take note that all account before open beta will be wiped off. I have not really played the game, but I have watched some of the video gameplay, and I can say that it is quite interesting. Knowing that this game comes from Softnyx, we can be assure that this game will be a good one (and free!).

For more information, go to http://wolfteam.softnyx.net/


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